Top 5 Surprising Tips for Better Outdoor Dog Kennels

Whether you’re window shopping for the perfect outdoor dog kennels or considering a DIY project, we will explore a few important things to consider that are often overlooked:

Key Takeaways

So, buckle up for a journey through these essentials of dog house design—where practicality meets fun, all in the name of love for our four-legged pals!

1. Elevated or Ground-Level: What’s Better?

Have you ever thought about this? When it comes to choosing between elevated and ground-level kennels for dogs, one must consider several factors. Both designs have their advantages and disadvantages, but ultimately, the decision should be based on the needs of your canine friend.

Let’s start by discussing elevated dog kennels. These are raised off the ground, usually by a few inches to a foot or more. The elevation provides many benefits, such as better ventilation and protection against pests and dirt.

Imagine having an overview of your yard while lounging in your own comfy corner – that’s basically what an elevated dog kennel offers for our furry friends. This design also keeps dogs away from cold ground in winter and hot surfaces during summer.

However, elevated dog kennels can present challenges too. For older dogs or those with mobility issues, navigating into an elevated space might be difficult without some help like a ramp or steps which could increase costs if not included with the dog kennel for sale you’re considering.

On the other hand, ground-level dog kennels have their own charm too.

They are easily accessible to all dogs regardless of age or physical condition making them an excellent choice for older dogs or those with health conditions affecting their mobility.

Plus, they tend to feel more natural for dogs because they’re on level with their usual surroundings. However, they don’t always offer the same degree of protection from elements compared to their elevated counterparts.

If rainwater accumulates in your yard after heavy rainfall, there’s potential that it might seep into a ground-level dog house unless it’s been adequately weatherproofed.

Looking at both options objectively reveals that there really isn’t an absolute winner here when deciding what type of shelter is best suited as a personal haven for our beloved companions: each design has advantages depending on your pet’s needs and environmental factors involved where you live.

2. The Benefits of Multiple Entrances in Outdoor Dog Kennels

The concept of having multiple entrances in a dog kennel may seem strange or unnecessary, but there are many practical benefits that might just change your mind. After all, it’s not just about convenience but also about safety and comfort for our beloved doggos!

Firstly, let’s consider the very simple yet important aspect of accessibility. A dog kennel with dual entrances gives your furry friend options to move in and out freely.

This is particularly handy during moments when they feel playful or curious and want to explore their surroundings without any hindrance.

They can simply pop in and out of their dog kennel as they please, fostering a sense of autonomy which can contribute positively to their overall well-being.

Safety is another crucial factor here. In case of emergencies such as fires or natural disasters where every second counts, multiple exits can be lifesavers.

Perhaps one entrance has been blocked by debris or caught fire; having an alternate exit could provide a critical escape route.

Outdoor dog kennels should ideally be well-ventilated spaces that allow fresh air to circulate freely, making them comfortable living areas whatever the weather conditions may be.

Multiple entries lend a hand here too – besides serving as doorways they double up as added ventilation points, maintaining an airy atmosphere even on sultry summer days.

Apart from these practicalities there’s also room for some fun! Kennels with more than one access point create a mini playground of sorts for your pet who now has its own private tunnel system!

This can turn into an exciting game spot stimulating both physical exercise and mental alertness! They may be slightly costlier than a regular single entrance dog house, but the advantages they offer are well worth it. After all, we want nothing but the best for our four-legged friends, right?

3. Noise Reduction Ideas for Dog Houses and Kennels

Let’s face the facts, dogs can sometimes be noisy. Whether it’s barking at a squirrel, playfully yapping at each other, or simply expressing their feelings, noise is an inherent part of having a dog. However, if you’re someone who values a bit of peace and quiet or wants to minimize the disturbance in your neighborhood, incorporating a noise reduction idea into your doghouse could be tremendously beneficial.

How can we address the potential noise issue? Dog training is certainly an option but for now let’s look at working on the kennel.

Firstly, consider using soundproofing materials when building or purchasing a kennel for your dogs.

Acoustic panels or tiles on walls can absorb sound waves effectively reducing echo and noise leakage.

Even adding mass-loaded vinyl barriers during construction will gracefully ease your concern about disturbing your peaceful Sunday afternoon nap. Next up, think about creating buffer zones around your dog kennel using landscape elements like trees, hedges or fences.

These natural sound diffusers will not only absorb some of the noise but can also serve as visual barriers that might help reduce any triggers that could set off your furry friend’s fits of barking.

Another solution would be to add some insulation to your dog’s home.

Insulation isn’t just good for regulating temperature – it also has excellent acoustic properties! Materials like foam board insulation can help dampen sounds from within the dog house while preserving its cozy interior ambiance.

But importantly- design matters! Kennels with solid doors also tend to contain noise better than those with open entrances.

Finally, a roof overhang extending beyond the entrance can help deflect sound upwards instead of towards your house or the neighbor’s yard.

Any combination of these ideas would help keep your yard more quiet, and promote a calm space for your pup as well.

4. Easy-to-Clean Dog House Designs

Maintaining cleanliness is a crucial aspect of any dog kennel. Design considerations should certainly include ease of cleaning because a clean environment isn’t just about looking good; it’s also about your pet’s health.

When it comes to easy-to-clean dog house designs, there are certain features you might want to look out for or incorporate in your construction. One such feature is smooth surfaces without nooks and crannies where dirt and bacteria can accumulate.

Materials like plastic or coated wood are excellent as they can be easily wiped down with a cloth and mild detergent.

A removable roof is another great feature in dog kennel designs aimed at making cleaning easier.

A roof that can be easily lifted or detached, will give you full access to the interior – an important consideration especially if you have a larger breed that may not exit the space promptly when it’s time for cleaning!

Some dog houses also have a drainage system. These systems allow water and other liquids to drain out of the kennel automatically rather than pooling on the floor where they could cause mold or mildew issues in your pet’s living quarters. Consider how waste will be handled in your chosen design.

A well-kept and clean booth is not just visually appealing, but it also guarantees your pet’s comfort and health.

So, don’t rush when choosing a house for you doggo. Take your time and make sure you choose an option that will be practical, functional and most importantly – easy to clean.

5. Security Features for Outdoor Dog Kennels

What are some things to consider for keeping our dog safe? Easy!

Setting up a fence or enclosure for around the doghouse is a big one! This gives them an area to play around in, and is crucial for keeping your dog safe and secure in their own yard.

It protects them from passersby and other animals from unexpected encounters. It’s a win-win that ensures peace of mind and freedom for your furry friend to roam and play safely within their boundaries.

Ensuring that their outdoor home is secure alleviates concerns of them escaping or being subjected to unwanted intrusions.

A strong latch system also prevents dogs from pushing the door open, and a lockable doors could deter potential intruders.

Depending on your setup, another recommended security feature could be an enclosed top on the dog kennel. This not only protects your pet from predators such as birds of prey but also prevents skilled climbers or high-jumping breeds from making a break for it!

A dog house made from heavy-duty materials like reinforced steel or thick plastic can withstand chewing attempts by more determined dogs.

Also consider that where you place the kennel matters as well! Visibility plays a pivotal role in safety too.

Positioning it where you can easily check on them provides added peace of mind while deterring unpleasant encounters from outsiders.

A safe and secure dog will be a happy and loving one… so keep these tips in mind to secure their home.


And there you have it, folks!

From keeping things squeaky clean to choosing between an elevated suite or a ground-level getaway, and ensuring your dog’s safety and serenity, we’ve covered all the bases for finding or creating the perfect kennel.

Remember, it’s not just about giving your doggo a place to sleep. It’s about crafting a spot where they can dream about chasing squirrels and wake up to a wag-worthy home.

So, whether you opt for a DIY project or hunt down the ideal kennel, keep these tips in your toolkit and watch your pup’s tail go wild with joy!

If you are considering BUYING a dog house, the following article offers some helpful advice:

Or, if you are considering BUILDING a Dog Kennel yourself, you may find this article helpful: